




Why We Named It “Burrella” Instead of “Vegan Burrata”


One of the most frequent questions we receive is: “Why did you call it Burrella and not Vegan Burrata?” The answer is simple yet profound—our Burrella is not an imitation of Burrata; it’s a unique creation that stands on its own.


We have deep respect for the provenance and culture from which Burrata originates. Rather than replicating existing products and labelling them as “vegan” versions, we chose to craft something original. That’s why we give our products inspired, original names instead of calling them “vegan burrata” or “vegan cheese alternative.” Burrella is new yet familiar—a product that offers a delicious, high-quality, and versatile ingredient for all food lovers, regardless of dietary preferences.


A Brief History of Burrata


To appreciate the inspiration behind Burrella, let’s journey back to the 1920s in the Murgia region of southern Italy, near the city of Andria. Burrata was born out of necessity and ingenuity—a delectable solution to minimize food waste.


According to Pugliese historian Riccardo Campanile, local cheesemaker Lorenzo Bianchino Chieppa invented Burrata. The term “burrata” first appeared in the Guida Gastronomica d’Italia, an inventory of Italian regional recipes published in 1931 by the Italian Touring Club, listing it as a typical local product of Andria.


Campanile, who interviewed Chieppa’s son, recounts that Burrata was created to utilize leftovers from the cheesemaking process. The dense layer of cream formed atop the morning milking was mixed with leftover strips of stretched curd mozzarella—shredded by hand—and used as the filling for Burrata.


Back then, the cheese pouch was crafted by blowing into warm, malleable fresh mozzarella to create an inflatable balloon—a technique replaced today by air compressors for food safety. Without refrigeration, transporting cheese to the market by horse could take a full day. Chieppa’s invention overcame these challenges: the cream acted as a preservative, preventing the mozzarella strips from becoming acidic, and a leaf casing protected the Burrata from the scorching sun.


Today, modern machinery and plastic wrapping (in compliance with EU hygiene regulations) have replaced traditional methods. Instead of asphodel leaves and horse-drawn carts, Burrata now reaches every corner of the world, bringing joy to cheese lovers everywhere.


The Birth of Burrella


Fast forward to the 2020s, and we find ourselves inspired by that same spirit of innovation. Just as Burrata was a new creation in its time, Burrella is a product and a name born of this decade.


Language evolves, and every word we use was once invented. We coined the term “Burrella” because it best represents the new plant-based cheese we’ve created. Like any cheese, Burrella is the result of a meticulous process—a harmonious blend of ingredients and techniques.


Our Burrella begins with soya milk and coconut fat. Through bespoke fermentation, shaping, and proprietary processes—particularly in textural layering—we craft a product that’s both familiar and entirely new. While cheesemaking has been practiced for thousands of years, in our Kitchen 01, we pioneered a method to develop the world’s first soft, spherical, dairy-free cheese. And so, Burrella was born.


Continuing a Tradition of Culinary Innovation


At JULIENNE BRUNO, we see ourselves as part of the ongoing tradition of gastronomic excellence. Our relentless pursuit of taste, quality, and creativity has captured the hearts of food lovers from all walks of life. We strive to make a lasting impact on the global food landscape, one delicious bite at a time.


We believe in the power of creation over imitation. Burrella isn’t just a plant-based alternative; it’s a celebration of culinary originality—a new experience that invites everyone to savor without comparison.


Don’t Imitate, Create.

Don’t Compare, Enjoy.

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